In a world where multi-billion dollar companies have taken over and you can’t turn a corner without seeing a set of big golden arches atop a thirty-foot pole, one country dared to stand up and say “NO SIR! No longer will I be the victim of the global conglomerate that is known as McDonalds.” Yes, the beloved burger company that brings joy to children everyday in the form of Happy Meals, Play places and big ceramic Ronald clowns sitting on benches outside. The same place where your eighty-seven year old neighbor Harold goes to enjoy a cup of joe with the guys from the VFW. By the way, there is actually a website that debates the origin of the saying “cup of joe” but I reckon there is a website for everything nowadays.
Any way you cut it, McDonalds is the most convenient source of fast food for us Americans, young and old, but it no longer will be in the country of Iceland. What could have possibly happened for Iceland to banish the big M of deliciousness? Well my friend, I’ll tell you. According to Prime Minister Magnus Ogmundsson, the Big Mac is just too damn expensive! Going off on a tangent again, Magnus Ogmundsson sounds like one of those fellows you would see on ESPN2 heaving concrete-filled barrels over a bar set twenty feet in the air. Back on track… The only three McDonalds in the capital of Iceland jacked the prices up on the Big Mac. Really?! Inflation got the Big Mac?!
Apparently so. What were the new prices? You ask. Well two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun were going for a whopping five dollars and twenty-nine cents (this is in American currency folks)! This was before they were going to increase the price so they could actually make a profit. Their new price would’ve had to be around six-fifty. Wow! And I though the Mac shack was a cheap way to roll. I guess they skipped over Iceland.
After further reading, I figured out Barbados said sayonara to Mac in 1996 and Bolivia followed suite in 2002. Im guessing the fine folks of these countries were resistent to the greasy charm Micky Ds. It’s also clear that the big machine that operates in over one hundred countries couldn’t muster up the dough to keep a few restaurants running. It’s cool though, Mr. Magnus doesn’t plan on pursuing any business with them in the future.
Where exactly are you going with this Adam? Well it’s pretty simple when you think about it. No matter how big and profitable the business, money is always the central factor. Billions of dollars circulate through the McDonalds empire each year but they couldn’t keep a few restaurants out of 30,000 alive for some people who really appreciate everything that starts with “Mc.” Call me an idealist but somewhere I thought that customer satisfaction was top priority among businesses but, like I am about so many other things, I was wrong. I get it though, a business has to make money to stay alive but I’m almost positive that McDonalds doesn’t have to drive prices up and exit countries to stay alive. It would be like Bill Gates giving me 100 dollars a week for the rest of my life. It would definitely be appreciated on my end but I'm sure Mr. Gates wouldn’t even notice it was missing.
Wow, I’m surprised I actually made it through that blog. It’s a far cry from last week’s as far as meaning goes but I figured I would bring some stuff to your attention. I read various Internet articles and break them in my own terms. It’s kind of fun at times, give it a shot. Yet again, I have no idea that anybody reads my blog but I’m hoping some people will. If by some miracle they do then maybe they’ll get something out of it. Maybe it’ll be extremely nonsensical but at the very least I do hope the blogs make you think a little more than you’re used to. Don’t be cognitive misers people! Let yourself venture outside of the box every once in a while. By the way a cognitive miser is someone who doesn’t think more than they have to about a given topic, someone who takes their prior knowledge as being good enough to explain something. Hope you guys have a great week! Until next time, God Bless.
Any way you cut it, McDonalds is the most convenient source of fast food for us Americans, young and old, but it no longer will be in the country of Iceland. What could have possibly happened for Iceland to banish the big M of deliciousness? Well my friend, I’ll tell you. According to Prime Minister Magnus Ogmundsson, the Big Mac is just too damn expensive! Going off on a tangent again, Magnus Ogmundsson sounds like one of those fellows you would see on ESPN2 heaving concrete-filled barrels over a bar set twenty feet in the air. Back on track… The only three McDonalds in the capital of Iceland jacked the prices up on the Big Mac. Really?! Inflation got the Big Mac?!
Apparently so. What were the new prices? You ask. Well two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun were going for a whopping five dollars and twenty-nine cents (this is in American currency folks)! This was before they were going to increase the price so they could actually make a profit. Their new price would’ve had to be around six-fifty. Wow! And I though the Mac shack was a cheap way to roll. I guess they skipped over Iceland.
After further reading, I figured out Barbados said sayonara to Mac in 1996 and Bolivia followed suite in 2002. Im guessing the fine folks of these countries were resistent to the greasy charm Micky Ds. It’s also clear that the big machine that operates in over one hundred countries couldn’t muster up the dough to keep a few restaurants running. It’s cool though, Mr. Magnus doesn’t plan on pursuing any business with them in the future.
Where exactly are you going with this Adam? Well it’s pretty simple when you think about it. No matter how big and profitable the business, money is always the central factor. Billions of dollars circulate through the McDonalds empire each year but they couldn’t keep a few restaurants out of 30,000 alive for some people who really appreciate everything that starts with “Mc.” Call me an idealist but somewhere I thought that customer satisfaction was top priority among businesses but, like I am about so many other things, I was wrong. I get it though, a business has to make money to stay alive but I’m almost positive that McDonalds doesn’t have to drive prices up and exit countries to stay alive. It would be like Bill Gates giving me 100 dollars a week for the rest of my life. It would definitely be appreciated on my end but I'm sure Mr. Gates wouldn’t even notice it was missing.
Wow, I’m surprised I actually made it through that blog. It’s a far cry from last week’s as far as meaning goes but I figured I would bring some stuff to your attention. I read various Internet articles and break them in my own terms. It’s kind of fun at times, give it a shot. Yet again, I have no idea that anybody reads my blog but I’m hoping some people will. If by some miracle they do then maybe they’ll get something out of it. Maybe it’ll be extremely nonsensical but at the very least I do hope the blogs make you think a little more than you’re used to. Don’t be cognitive misers people! Let yourself venture outside of the box every once in a while. By the way a cognitive miser is someone who doesn’t think more than they have to about a given topic, someone who takes their prior knowledge as being good enough to explain something. Hope you guys have a great week! Until next time, God Bless.
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