Ahh, Halloween. Another one has come and gone just like any other day of the week. Halloween is what I like to call the holiday of excuses. It gives guys an excuse to go shirtless and show off what they think the ladies like. It gives little kids an excuse to gorge themselves on kit-kats, gobstoppers, tootsie rolls, butterfingers, and whatever else they can stuff into their pillow cases. And my personal favorite, it gives the gals an excuse to run around in scantily clad outfits. Any way you look at it, Halloween is an excuse to act completely out of character without worrying about what others think. I believe this is the true beauty of this pagan holiday. No matter what disguise a person uses, they seem to come out of the shell that they live in every other day of the year. What if people use the disguise to act in ways they really want to? That’s a definite possibility because I know I wouldn’t mind acting in a way that didn’t result in certain consequences. That, my friends is what Halloween offers.
As for me, a buddy and I dressed up as Goose and Maverick from the classic 1980’s movie Top Gun and yours truly was Goose. Yes, the same guy who dies in the movie. Not to worry though, I was very much alive this weekend. On Friday, my wing man and I went to Fulton in the truck that we made into a ham-handed replica of the F-14 Tomcat that was featured in the movie. The back wings didn’t hold up the first night but we had fun none the less. We even got a picture with a former member of the A-Team… That’s right, Mr. T!
Saturday, Maverick and I rebuilt the wings to our trusty steed. The final product had to have been the coolest fuckin thing I have ever seen. The collaboration of our flight suits, aviators, the decorated plane and the cd with Highway to the Danger Zone, Great Balls of Fire, and You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ was nothing short of epic. We cruised around Columbia with no qualms about what others thought. We took pride in our Halloween costumes. People enjoyed our enthusiasm about this classic movie. At one point we were actually flagged down just to take pictures by our “plane.” I dare you to tell me that’s not the best compliment ever.
After a lofty cruise downtown, we proceeded to head to a party with our friends who were apparently Frick and Frack a.k.a Megan and Breanna. They definitely had the most interesting and thought provoking costumes of the night. During this party, Mav and I decided that we were going to steal a scene from the movie. We decided we would sing You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ to the ladies we went with. The odds were against us since we didn’t know one person at this shindig but to our surprise the guy running the show was all for us singing. This had to have been a sign. The music was cut and the stage was set. We did our thing and that was it, everybody loved it. It was kind of like American Idol without the sarcastic British comments.
We ended up singing the same thing at another party to some other people but both performances were to be remembered. Four years ago I would have never thought about singing to people in front of a crowd I didn’t know but that was then. Call me a late bloomer but I feel as if I’m getting a grasp on certain aspects of life. In the grand scheme of things, who really cares? Sure, we might have looked like fools at the moment but nobody forgot who we were. I feel like I should try to take the path that leads to the most interesting story. After all that’s exactly what life is… A compilation of stories. So why not try to make things as interesting as possible for our short time here?
I no longer want to sit back and watch life pass me by. I want to live everyday as if I had a specific goal in mind, like I’m the star of my own movie. Realizing this outlook on life, I would definitely like to make a difference in someone else’s. I’m not trying to save the world or get all mushy but I just want to know that I’ve made a positive impact on somebody else before I exit this world. Whether I inspire them to do something great with their lives or just simply make them laugh when they’re having a bad day, nothing will make me happier than having an influence.
So let me just tie the last paragraph to the Halloween theme of this blog. Even if our costumes didn’t matter or our vocal exploits had no impact around the world, we still made some people laugh. We enhanced the mood of the room. Even if only for a brief moment, we were a bright spot in people’s lives. That is what I hope to give everyone I know for the rest of my life. Something to make the day easier, something to inspire them to live to their potential. That was my Halloween excuse, to act a little out of character and possibly make someone else have a better day. All I ask is that, like the movie, they pay it forward. Take it upon yourself to make people have a better day. Until next time. God Bless.
As for me, a buddy and I dressed up as Goose and Maverick from the classic 1980’s movie Top Gun and yours truly was Goose. Yes, the same guy who dies in the movie. Not to worry though, I was very much alive this weekend. On Friday, my wing man and I went to Fulton in the truck that we made into a ham-handed replica of the F-14 Tomcat that was featured in the movie. The back wings didn’t hold up the first night but we had fun none the less. We even got a picture with a former member of the A-Team… That’s right, Mr. T!
Saturday, Maverick and I rebuilt the wings to our trusty steed. The final product had to have been the coolest fuckin thing I have ever seen. The collaboration of our flight suits, aviators, the decorated plane and the cd with Highway to the Danger Zone, Great Balls of Fire, and You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ was nothing short of epic. We cruised around Columbia with no qualms about what others thought. We took pride in our Halloween costumes. People enjoyed our enthusiasm about this classic movie. At one point we were actually flagged down just to take pictures by our “plane.” I dare you to tell me that’s not the best compliment ever.
After a lofty cruise downtown, we proceeded to head to a party with our friends who were apparently Frick and Frack a.k.a Megan and Breanna. They definitely had the most interesting and thought provoking costumes of the night. During this party, Mav and I decided that we were going to steal a scene from the movie. We decided we would sing You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ to the ladies we went with. The odds were against us since we didn’t know one person at this shindig but to our surprise the guy running the show was all for us singing. This had to have been a sign. The music was cut and the stage was set. We did our thing and that was it, everybody loved it. It was kind of like American Idol without the sarcastic British comments.
We ended up singing the same thing at another party to some other people but both performances were to be remembered. Four years ago I would have never thought about singing to people in front of a crowd I didn’t know but that was then. Call me a late bloomer but I feel as if I’m getting a grasp on certain aspects of life. In the grand scheme of things, who really cares? Sure, we might have looked like fools at the moment but nobody forgot who we were. I feel like I should try to take the path that leads to the most interesting story. After all that’s exactly what life is… A compilation of stories. So why not try to make things as interesting as possible for our short time here?
I no longer want to sit back and watch life pass me by. I want to live everyday as if I had a specific goal in mind, like I’m the star of my own movie. Realizing this outlook on life, I would definitely like to make a difference in someone else’s. I’m not trying to save the world or get all mushy but I just want to know that I’ve made a positive impact on somebody else before I exit this world. Whether I inspire them to do something great with their lives or just simply make them laugh when they’re having a bad day, nothing will make me happier than having an influence.
So let me just tie the last paragraph to the Halloween theme of this blog. Even if our costumes didn’t matter or our vocal exploits had no impact around the world, we still made some people laugh. We enhanced the mood of the room. Even if only for a brief moment, we were a bright spot in people’s lives. That is what I hope to give everyone I know for the rest of my life. Something to make the day easier, something to inspire them to live to their potential. That was my Halloween excuse, to act a little out of character and possibly make someone else have a better day. All I ask is that, like the movie, they pay it forward. Take it upon yourself to make people have a better day. Until next time. God Bless.
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