Oh wow, it's almost been an entire month since I last blogged it up! For those of you who read the last entry in my little online journal, this one has nothing to do with part two... My bad. In all honesty I could sum it up in a few words. Me and Chad went to this craw fish feed deal where there were these little alien lookin things they called craw fish (absolutely ugly). I had one and that was about it. That's the extent of my craw fish eating adventures. Well that's the end of that story so on to the next piece of Adam's Life and Times!
Last weekend, Saturday May 15th, 2010, I graduated from college! To those who have walked the plank it may seem like a small step in the great landscape of life but to me it still seems extremely crazy to think about. I am forever done with school. No longer will academia force me to get up early in the morning (that's my work's job). I don't have to make a Fall schedule because I wont be attending school when the leaves start hittin' the ground. I'll be settled into my town house in Columbia. I'm finally taking the step out of my comfort zone. Although a small part of me is weary about the next couple of months, a very large part is excited beyond measure. I'm going to finally be a part of the real world that people have been telling me about for the last few years. So far there have been mixed reviews but I'm gonna take the positive approach and see where that lands me.
Back to graduation! Well people, on Saturday I woke up eager to get things done. I just wanted the ceremony to be right then and now so I could come home and mingle with the folks who matter most (and so i could have a few beers). The whole thing seems like a blur that I remember distinctly for some reason. It could have been that the speaker kept reciting lines from the play "Rent" or the air-horns that kept going off because family members couldn't contain their excitement. There were just a random mix of shenanigans that kept me in tune enough to remember the event but not interesting enough to keep my attention throughout. "Five-hundred-twenty-five-thousand-six-hundred minutes" is what that speaker said about four or five times during her speech. It was hilarious because it was like nobody else knew what she was quoting and they just thought she was throwing random numbers into space. Needless to say I had a few laughs. To put the ceremony in a nutshell; we all stood in a stuffy, humid hallway entirely too long, sat through nonsensical rambling by people I have never personally spoken to, walked across a stage in front of a non familiar audience, and exited to the tune of "Pomp and circumstance." That's about it.
It may have been a boring two hours but it was worth it. I have my degree and the proof is stamped on a slip of paper I have sitting in my kitchen so I can see it everyday. That tiny piece of paper is the culmination of four years of my life. Now I have the rest of it to see what I can do with that little piece of paper and how well it works in my favor. It's almost like I paid for a new car but have no idea if its going to run or if I'm going to like it in the next few years and that's a scary thing to grasp. Just because it's scary doesn't mean I wont put my heart and soul into the journey that is the rest of my life.
I know this particular blog wasn't as insightful as some others, I just wanted to fill you guys in on what has been goin' on in this guy's world. I honestly hope you all are doing well and want you to have the peace of mind that I am currently experiencing. It would take a force of nature to shake me right now and that's an awesome feeling. It's like I have a shield surrounding me keeping all of the dumb crap at bay. Watch out real world, this train is comin'! Until next time. God bless.