Hola! Yeah, that’s right; I’ll throw some Spanish around every now and then. During the last few weeks, many finals on college campuses across the nation have taken place. I actually finished my finals a little bit ago. It’s crazy to think that those were the second to last finals I will ever take. The last three and a half years have gone by extremely fast. Faster than high school even. I haven’t exactly had the college experience that is treasured by so many people but I will say that I’ve gotten a good education at a low price. Yeah, I know it sounds like I went to the Save-a-lot of schools but sometimes that’s the way to go.
Before taking my finals I had a song stuck in my head, a motivational song that is. It was pretty much my “finals anthem.” Lil Flip: Game Over. I know, it’s a little kooky but it was the inspiration that got me through those bad boys. I would say it took about an hour and a half total to complete all of my finals so I was lucky. Even in that short amount of time it still felt as if I was in a bit of a prison. You’re gonna like the way I tie this in to what I really want to talk about.
A few days ago I was on yet another Yahoo adventure and read a very interesting article. It was about a man in Florida that had been exonerated after serving 35 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. What…the fuck?! 35 years! 14 years stands between me and being alive for that long. It’s rare to find a marriage that’s lasted 35 years! Imagine what this guy was thinking. He’s had to sit in a little 6’X6’ cell for that long. Easily the longest and hardest years he’s ever spent on this earth. Further reading exposed the fact that he’s just one of 246 people to be released on DNA evidence. Wow, that shit is important! Thanks CSI.
The way I see it, one man wrongfully imprisoned is one too many. In this case its 246 too many. That’s crazy! I guess I can’t be way too mad because they didn’t have the sophisticated technology that we have today. Still, to convict that many people of shit they didn’t do is weak sauce.
After this guy’s stint in the pen he even says he’s not mad. Wow! This dude is one patient mofo. The reason: “He has God.” I can’t even begin to describe how pissed off I would be but this guy takes the high road. For that, I give him mad props. To sit in a place nobody wants to be for 35 years for something you didn’t do and on top of that say your not mad is some inspirational stuff. All the stuff that’s happened since 1975, this guy has completely missed out. The internet, cell phones, and ipods are just a small percentage of the shit he has no idea about.
Missing out on 35 years of ones life would have to be extremely hard to deal with. He had no opportunities for success, no opportunities to start a family. NOTHING! I can’t even begin to fathom how difficult it was to sit there and have that swim around ones mind. Like I said, an hour and a half of finals sucks so spending that much time in prison can only mean that there is no word in the dictionary to describe the suckiness of that situation.
Not to worry guys, under Florida law anybody wrongfully imprisoned and exonerated will receive 50 thousand dollars for each year they were in prison. Doing a little math, that equals about 1.75 million dollars in total that this guy is going to receive. Although that may seem like a lot of money, that can’t even begin to make up for the past 35 years that this guy lost. Money is something that we can spend and throw away but we can get back eventually. Time, however, is one of those things that just doesn’t replenish itself. We have one go at this life and only one shot to get things right.
Having said that, I would just like to say that the time we have here on earth is very important. The way I see it, I have about 60 good years left (at most) to leave an impression. 10 of those years I’ll be old and senile so I have just a small window to make a difference. I’ve said it before, I just want to make some sort of positive impact on someone and I’ll be a happy camper. Basically, just try to be happy and enjoy every second you have. Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy New Year! Until next time, God Bless.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Black Friday and Randomness

Two weeks later! I feel like trying to write a blog a week is a bit of a daunting task so I think from now on I’ll leave it up to chance and let the writing happen when it happens. At the moment I’m going back and forth between Monday Night Football and Family Guy. You’re probably wondering why I even tune into the kooky cartoon when there’s quality football going on. Well people, Family Guy is just a damn good show. That and I already know the Saints are going to throttle the Pats. I’ll knock on wood real quick and get back to it.
As you all know, Thanksgiving was last week or, as I like to call it, Pre game Christmas. Why you ask? As soon as dinner ends the Christmas songs make their way onto radios all over the country. The Tim Allen classic The Santa Clause creeps up on the TV. I’d rather see Christmas Vacation myself, that’s funny as hell. In addition to the spirit filled radios and televisions, lights and decorations come out of storage and seem to magically throw themselves onto houses around town. Let the madness begin!
As much as I like Christmas I feel like we don’t recognize the hidden holiday that wedges itself between Thanksgiving and the weekend. What’s that? Black Friday and it was last week. WOW! That’s all I can say to describe this crazy little day. I’ve never actually braved the storm that is Black Friday but I feel like hearing stories from my mom and watching the chaos unfold on news channels gives me a good enough idea. So I took everything into account and came up with a short list of Black Friday To-Do’s.
1) Have a game plan.
2) Take a small army with you.
3) Carry nothing less than a shank or stun-gun.
4) Practice balling up into the fetal position in case you’re an unlucky soul who gets caught under a crowd.
5) Leave the “nice card” at home, its every man/woman for him/herself (I’m being politically correct…enjoy).
6) Old people, this just isn’t your day. Stick with hangin at McDonalds that morning. It’s safe there.
7) Always be alert! It gets crazy when you stuff a bunch of adults hopped up on caffeine into what is in essence a large box.
8) Be prepared to Barry Sanders it through the electronics section. Elusiveness is key! (Barry Sanders was a running back for the Detroit Lions once upon a time. Badass).
9) Observe. There are some real characters in Wal-Mart even when the Plasmas aren’t on sale.
10) Leave the kids at home. I don’t feel like I have to explain that one.
Don’t just enjoy the list; use it as a guide for next year. It could save a life! I digress. Well guys, I’ve gotta say I had a pretty damn good weekend. It was nice being around some great friends. Especially those who appreciate the randomness that resides in me and those who enjoy a good scavenger hunt! The weekend was a little reminder that it is truly the small things in life that matter.
It’s quite unfortunate that the weekend had to come to a halt; I was enjoying the hell out of it. Now its back to school for two more weeks. You may be thinking “Two weeks, that’s not bad.” Well my friends, the next two weeks are loaded with tests and useless shit to turn in. Thanks college! It’s all good though; providing I don’t fail miserably on my finals and all of next semester I should be done in May. It’s my little light at the end of the tunnel and each day it gets a little brighter. I think Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” said it best, “Success is my only mothafuckin option! Failure’s not!” That’s the approach I’m taking in regards to the rest of my college career. Bring it on LU!
I’m gonna confuse you guys a little bit because I started writing this sucker on Monday but it is now Tuesday. I’ve already realized that the Saints dominated the Pats last night so either the knocking on wood helped or I can just call a football game. I’m going with the latter. Well I reckon I’m gonna get back to my couch and UFC. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and didn’t get mauled on Black Friday. Until next time. God bless.
As you all know, Thanksgiving was last week or, as I like to call it, Pre game Christmas. Why you ask? As soon as dinner ends the Christmas songs make their way onto radios all over the country. The Tim Allen classic The Santa Clause creeps up on the TV. I’d rather see Christmas Vacation myself, that’s funny as hell. In addition to the spirit filled radios and televisions, lights and decorations come out of storage and seem to magically throw themselves onto houses around town. Let the madness begin!
As much as I like Christmas I feel like we don’t recognize the hidden holiday that wedges itself between Thanksgiving and the weekend. What’s that? Black Friday and it was last week. WOW! That’s all I can say to describe this crazy little day. I’ve never actually braved the storm that is Black Friday but I feel like hearing stories from my mom and watching the chaos unfold on news channels gives me a good enough idea. So I took everything into account and came up with a short list of Black Friday To-Do’s.
1) Have a game plan.
2) Take a small army with you.
3) Carry nothing less than a shank or stun-gun.
4) Practice balling up into the fetal position in case you’re an unlucky soul who gets caught under a crowd.
5) Leave the “nice card” at home, its every man/woman for him/herself (I’m being politically correct…enjoy).
6) Old people, this just isn’t your day. Stick with hangin at McDonalds that morning. It’s safe there.
7) Always be alert! It gets crazy when you stuff a bunch of adults hopped up on caffeine into what is in essence a large box.
8) Be prepared to Barry Sanders it through the electronics section. Elusiveness is key! (Barry Sanders was a running back for the Detroit Lions once upon a time. Badass).
9) Observe. There are some real characters in Wal-Mart even when the Plasmas aren’t on sale.
10) Leave the kids at home. I don’t feel like I have to explain that one.
Don’t just enjoy the list; use it as a guide for next year. It could save a life! I digress. Well guys, I’ve gotta say I had a pretty damn good weekend. It was nice being around some great friends. Especially those who appreciate the randomness that resides in me and those who enjoy a good scavenger hunt! The weekend was a little reminder that it is truly the small things in life that matter.
It’s quite unfortunate that the weekend had to come to a halt; I was enjoying the hell out of it. Now its back to school for two more weeks. You may be thinking “Two weeks, that’s not bad.” Well my friends, the next two weeks are loaded with tests and useless shit to turn in. Thanks college! It’s all good though; providing I don’t fail miserably on my finals and all of next semester I should be done in May. It’s my little light at the end of the tunnel and each day it gets a little brighter. I think Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” said it best, “Success is my only mothafuckin option! Failure’s not!” That’s the approach I’m taking in regards to the rest of my college career. Bring it on LU!
I’m gonna confuse you guys a little bit because I started writing this sucker on Monday but it is now Tuesday. I’ve already realized that the Saints dominated the Pats last night so either the knocking on wood helped or I can just call a football game. I’m going with the latter. Well I reckon I’m gonna get back to my couch and UFC. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and didn’t get mauled on Black Friday. Until next time. God bless.
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